The following are some links to relevant publications that reference data relevant to in-flight refuelling:

The EU funded a 5 year research project involving 8 universities and organisations.  The final report included detail on the models and benefits of inflight refuelling for commercial aircraft and was published in 2015.

Introducing Air to Air Refuelling (AAR) into Civil Aviation – Why & How by Dr R K Nangia, details the models and benefits and highlights fuel and CO2 savings of 15-30% from in-flight refuelling of commercial aircraft. For a flight of 9K nautical miles he shows fuel and CO2 savings of >50%.

Tanker Mission Implication on a Civil Aerial Refuelling Transport System’s Benefit Evaluation Author(s): McRoberts, R.,Early, J. M.,Morscheck, F.,Price, M.,Korn, B. 

Conceptual Design Study for In-flight Refueling of Passenger Aircraft Author(s): Mo, L.  Published in: Delft University of Technology 2017

Improving Feasibility of Point to Point Operations Through Civil Aerial Refuelling Author(s): McRoberts, Richard,Early, Juliana M.,Price, Mark,Morscheck, Fabian,Li, Mo,Rocca, Gianfranco La

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