We think there would be substantial benefits for commercial aviation from in-flight refuelling:

  • Passengers- shorter end-to-end trips, cheaper flights, fewer stop-overs, reduced ‘flight shame’ associated with carbon footprint
  • Airlines- >20% fuel savings (net of tanker fuel) and associated environmental benefits, longer asset lifecycle through fewer pressurisation cycles, reduced maintenance costs, reduced carbon taxes, greater revenue yield, PR opportunity, enhanced fleet utilisation, wider range of airports and new/longer point-to-point routes.
  • Airports- alleviate capacity constraints, reduce flight density, environmental benefits (noise, pollution), shorter runway requirements, greater accessibility
  • OEM- enhanced product performance and range, retrofitting after sales opportunity, radical new designs, longer range electric flight.
  • Service provider- new tanker refuelling provision, dual function for commercial and military (fee for service model)
  • Environment-substantial reduction in CO2, NOx, water vapour, sulphates, soot, contrails and aviation induced cloudiness

Brighton Really Useful Little Ideas Company Limited. Company number 11948674

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